Customer Testimonials

See how customers feel about working with us!

Really Profesional. They came and with in a week my new garage door was installed. Great price.

Elia Rivera

Chris was so awesome I called them in the morning & they were out at my house by 2 & had it done by 3 awesome work

Kevin Costa

Very honest and very professional service. Honest and very helpful on explaining all that was wrong and why certain parts had to be replaced and gave options on the total out come of the service. Would use them again.

Rodrigo Villarreal SR

My technician Nick was great! This was the 2nd time I used Mammoth, and I will continue to use them!

Faustino Zaragoza

Perfect install, fair price and excellent customer service.

Yoseph S

Professional – problem solving garage door people. My double garage door operates better & quieter than when it was new , and that was almost 10 years ago!

James McPoland

Great customer service !! 5 star company!

AJ Saldate